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Engineering Consulting Research Institute

In order to strengthen the construction of technological innovation and professional consulting service capabilities, the company has established an Engineering Consulting Research Institute with 12 research centers, focusing on the functional goals of "technological breakthroughs and industrial leadership". The company focuses on its advantageous business areas and emerging business areas, and has advanced the layout of key technology development and industrial incubation, promoting the transformation of technology research and development to industrialization of achievements, and cultivating and expanding emerging business areas.
  • Company Engineering Consulting and Research Institute

Shanghai Jianke Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd

  • Telephone:021-64687800

  • Address:6th Floor, Building 1, No. 75 Wanping South Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai

罗甸县| 哈密市| 揭阳市| 永兴县| 大丰市| 德阳市| 新化县| 上思县| 宝应县| 普兰县| 安阳市| 神池县| 广元市| 桃园市| 霍山县| 云阳县| 祁连县| 舒城县| 乌鲁木齐市| 荣成市| 孝昌县| 牡丹江市| 文成县| 娄烦县| 汉中市| 澄迈县| 依安县| 临洮县| 柳州市| 游戏| 淮安市| 合水县| 南郑县| 剑阁县| 南召县| 浦东新区| 左云县| 伊宁县| 乐昌市| 皋兰县| 南涧| 延寿县| 汉川市| 遂昌县| 巧家县| 招远市| 南华县| 金秀| 江都市| 张家口市| 军事|